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I AM SHYNE. I'm a dreamer that's wide awake! I'm a dreamer that decided to do something about "it." I describe "it" as any and everything that we hope for, hold stake in, and are unequivocally passionate about! 


One of my greatest passions in life are people and seeing us as mankind thrive, both individually and together! Hence, the mandate and movement of JUST SHYNE. Built upon the pillars of Positivity, Strength, and Wellness; JUST SHYNE was created to encourage, develop, and inspire others to become and thrive as the best version of themselves. We believe breaking free from the weights of life to be POWERFUL, and the revealing of our inner beauty to be just that, BEAUTIFUL.


When we are at our best; the world around us takes notice, and has no choice but to experience change for the better. Our environment is infused with greatness, which is in our DNA. When these stars align (so-to-speak) it can be said that we SHYNE. Which happens not only to be the nickname I was given as a kid, but a parallel to the impact we can all achieve.


This impact is much like that of a burning light which shines in an otherwise dark room. Sometimes we just need a reminder to tap into who we can be, really are, and in many cases have always been. ​



 Creative Director at JUSTSHYNE LLC

P O S I T I V I T Y 
         S T R E N G T H
                   W E L L N E S S

"The beauty in our eyes reflect hope from within. The vision we possess, whispers our destiny soon to be revealed." - SHYNE

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